SEC Prosecutions

SEC Prosecutions

Final Judgments Obtained Against All Defendants in U.S. Wind Farming, Inc. Stock Manipulation Case

SEC v. U.S. Wind Farming, Inc., William L. Telander, Mad World Capital Group, LLC, Templar Financial, LLC, Time Limit Capital, LLC, Raymond J. McNamee, 20th Century Jackson Equities, Inc., Anthony M. Necoechea, Ashlin Capital, LLC, Kyoto Capital Group, LLC, Charles S. Flemming, Oronex, LLC, and Michael D. Spadaccini

  • 2007
  • $2.7 Million

Case brought on charges that defendant Telander, Wind Farming’s CEO and a recidivist who was previously permanently enjoined and criminally convicted for securities fraud, caused Wind Farming to improperly issue millions of unregistered shares to McNamee, Necoechea, Flemming, Spadaccini, and entities that they controlled. Those entities purported to be Pennsylvania accredited investors, but in reality were mere conduits for Telander and Wind Farming to access the public market for financing. Upon receipt of the shares, the entities quickly dumped them into the public market, while Telander and Wind Farming created artificial demand for by issuing false and misleading press releases. And at least Necoechea and Flemming made payments to Wind Farming with proceeds from their sales of shares at fraudulently buoyed prices.

Named one of the top whistleblower practices/attorneys in the country by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR and The New Yorker
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