SEC Prosecutions

SEC Prosecutions

Injunctions and Monetary Sanctions of Over $350 Million for Hedge Fund Fraud

SEC v. Nikolai S. Battoo, BC Capital Group S.A. (Panama), BC Capital Group Limited (Hong Kong), and Tracy Lee Sunderlage

  • 2016
  • $362 Million

Defendant Battoo was an asset manager. He and his two companies, the BC Capital entities, defrauded numerous investors worldwide by claiming to achieve exceptional risk-adjusted returns while concealing huge losses and misappropriation of investor funds. The fraud began no later than 2008, when Batoo hid major losses caused by a failed derivative investment program and leveraged investments in Madoff feeder funds. In addition, around $50 million was misappropriated so that Battoo could live the high life. Fraudulent account statements were used to deceive investors and auditors. Defendant Sunderlage acted as an unregistered broker-dealer and investment adviser in violation of a previous regulatory bar, directing investments into Battoo’s investment program.

Named one of the top whistleblower practices/attorneys in the country by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, NPR and The New Yorker
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